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Get to Know Forte: Six Questions with Jim Jetland

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    1. What first got you interested in real estate?

    I have been in commercial real estate for nearly 40 years, starting in the summer of 1985. When I first graduated from college, I was a manufacturers rep for the Nike product line and Cooper hockey equipment. It was a great job for someone that loved sales and sports.  The drawback was the job required you to travel and be on the road a lot as well as many weekend shows. My father-in law suggested commercial real estate as a possible career path as it would allow me to continue to focus on relationship building and sales but on a local level. I was fortunate enough to be offered a position at Eberhardt by Jim Nelson and the rest is history! Great memories in commercial real estate but most importantly I cherish the many relationships/friendships that I have been blessed to establish over the years!

    2. What role have sports (or hobbies) played in your life? How has that supported your career?

    I have often said that my education from the University of Minnesota was important but the life lessons I have learned through sports may have been more valuable to me in my career. So much about life and your career revolve around teamwork, problem solving, dealing with adversity and success, working hard, compromise, competition. The list goes on and on. I have had no better training ground then athletics to help me navigate the many issues I have faced in commercial real estate. I am not suggesting you have to be an athlete to be successful in your career, but I do believe it can provide an excellent backdrop for future success!

    3. If you weren’t in commercial real estate, what would you be doing? What did you want to be when you were in high school?

    When I was in high school, I wanted to be a professional athlete in hockey or baseball. Clearly an overly lofty goal but I was a part of a strong athletic program in Grand Rapids, MN, surrounded by great athletes that allowed us to have much success and win championships. A back-up plan to being a professional athlete was to pursue a career in sports broadcasting, I never pursued an educational path to achieve that goal, but occasionally reflect on what my life might have been like had I pursued that career. I am convinced that my decision to enter the commercial real estate industry nearly 40 years ago has brought me more joy and fulfillment than any other career would have allowed.

    4. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned in your career?

    Treat people fairly and with respect and your relationships will be long, impactful, and rewarding. This concept relates to your family, friends, clients, co-workers, and anyone you cross paths with. A simple but important lesson to learn early in life!

    5. What hobbies or interests do you pursue outside of work?

    Other than spending time with my family I have a few hobbies that I am passionate about.  I love golf because it is competitive and an outdoor activity. Another hobby is snow-skiing because I love being outside in the winter and it is a wonderful life sport to do with family and friends. Another passion is pheasant hunting in South Dakota. The beautiful background of nature combined with the skill of a great hunting dog can make the day fly by without a care in the world. In responding to this question, I realize how much I enjoy being outside with all my hobbies. It must be a Minnesota thing!

    6. How do you maintain a work-life balance?

    Maintaining a good work-life balance has always been a focus of mine. I believe I am a better employee/employer because I have strong interests and friendships outside of work. I also believe that having a job you love and enjoy makes it feel less like work and a career. I have the great fortune and pleasure to work with my two children, Katie, and Joe. That may not work for everyone, but I feel blessed everyday to have that opportunity. They gracefully put up with seeing me more often than most kids see their parents, but I’m convinced we learn from each other while making a conscious effort to separate work from personal.

    Learn more about Jim Jetland‘s Advisory expertise here.

    Jim Jetland

    Jim Jetland, SIOR




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