(952) 854-8290 info@forterep.com
Nancy Powell

Nancy Powell

Vice President, Real Estate Advisory




A rock solid advisor with over 16 years of experience, Nancy attributes her success to her depth of knowledge of the local commercial real estate market, strong work ethic and a desire to do the right thing. Knowing that the best solutions often come with challenges, she digs in to find that “needle in the haystack” to solve each unique puzzle. Leading the negotiations to the most advantageous outcome is something she doesn’t take lightly. Clients appreciate her straight forward approach and ability to articulate the bottom line, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

A seasoned professional, Nancy‘s experience in real estate and sales management has paved her way. She gives her clients a front burner attitude and manages their search process skillfully. Astute and unafraid of asking hard questions, she drills down to the critical components that save her clients time and money.

At the end of the day, you might find her on the single track trails or pickleball courts or even walking Lily, her golden retriever, around this community that she has always called home.

During her time away from the office she might be traveling to North American’s mountain ski areas or to our amazing national parks to challenge herself in other ways. A bit closer to home you might find her near the Canadian border or at her cabin in Cass County immersed in our great Minnesota “up north” lakes culture.


Nancy earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies/Architecture from the University of Minnesota.


  • Mountain biking
  • Downhill skiing
  • Hiking in the National Parks and other amazing trails
  • Pickleball
  • Golf
  • Reupholstery
  • Spending time at my cabin and Northern border lakes for boating and fishing!
  • Family time: Hubby Jeff, grown children Andy and Emma, and as one of 9 kids, my large extended family.  And of course, our wonderful golden retriever Lily!



“Trust is a very important issue for me when selecting a real estate broker. The trust I have in this team provides me great confidence that General Mills’ best interests are being considered throughout any type of real estate negotiation.”

– Tom Hogan, Director Global Real Estate & Facilities

"Focus Financial has partnered with this team because of their market knowledge and strong industry relationships. We have worked together on numerous real estate transactions in various sub-markets over the last 15 years. We have tremendous confidence that the team will deliver professional real estate advice."

– John Dritz, Focus Financial Network, Inc.


Q4 2024 Minneapolis-St. Paul Office Market Summary

Q4 2024 Minneapolis-St. Paul Office Market Summary

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Q3 2024 Minneapolis-St. Paul Office Market Summary

Q3 2024 Minneapolis-St. Paul Office Market Summary

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